The chief local brokers gave their analysis on what to expect in 2008 in a large local meeting on Wednesday. Overall they expect market stability. The changes I have noticed from last year are that fewer Sellers are listing their homes unless they are very serious about selling. Last year at this time I saw many people try to sell their homes at peak or over peak prices to see if they could get the price. Most found out that few Buyers would pay peak or over-peak prices. Many Sellers missed a more opportune time to sell their homes when they could have sold for higher prices had they been more realistic. Those Sellers have completely left the markeplace. Also many agents that were not serious about the profession have left. This is a job that demands the full -time attention of a tenacious, caring and detail-oriented person to assist buyers and sellers in a market that has been in flux and may be stablizing. I believe 2008 will go down is the best year for Tucson buyers due to large inventory of good houses that are priced right and interest rates that are projected to become the lowest that we have seen in four years. I do believe the market has bottomed out.