Open – Enrollment in Tucson – Catalina Foothills – District 16

Catalina Foothills – District 16 Schools – have open -enrollment. It is likely that even though it is past the open- enrollment due date for application of Feb 29th, that if you enroll soon, your child can get in. The District 16 – Catalina Foothills schools are ranked # 1 in Tucson and some of their schools are ranked # 1 in the state. Additionally, some of their schools are closer to the homes  that are districted for TUSD. The only catch is you will have to drive your children to school and pick them up if they are open- enrolled. Catalina Foothills School District has  excellent sports and after-school activities and the cost is very affordable. However, if you are thinking of open- enrolling your child, do not wait any longer: last Summer a few kids who tried to open- enroll were turned away since they were finished with their teaching hiring at some of the schools.

District 16 has had all “excelling schools” (ranked by the state of Arizona) for six years; the curriculum focuses on learning and thinking with digital-age literacy. It teaches kids personal and social responsibility. The curriculum includes Music, Art, Spanish and Phys Ed.  Go on line at  for more information.

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