6161 E Finesterra Drive, a two-story Contemporary that started at a List Price of $1,950,000 more than two years ago was sold today by Long Realty for $1,010,000. This home is very spacious with 7K square feet and is sited in a large, 2 acre homesite. It has panoramic views of the city and the Santa Catalinas and has excellent masonry stucco construction. Being on a double lot, it has a high HOA fee of $421. a month. The lower level boasts three bedrooms with each having a private bath.
Finesterra is a beautiful, 24 hour gated community that feels the most secure of all the area communities; it is very hard to get past the gate unless the owners have told the gate attendant to let you through. Most of the communities, even those with a 24 hour guard, are a lot more porous. For those who want the ultimate in security and privacy, coupled with some of the most beautiful land in the Catalina Foothills, Finesterra fits the bill.
~To explore other homes for sale in Finesterra and in the Catalina Foothills, give me a call at 520-615-2598 or email me at Donna@DonnaAnderson.com.~