Tucson Foothills June Sales

Here are the stats for June Tucson Foothills sales (only zips 85750, 85718): 78 sales (representing sides)– in each sale there are two sides (one representing the listing agents’ sale and the other representing the buyer agents’ sale. ) Last month there was 88 sales. It should also be noted that last month the Foothills had 28 sales over 500K; this month there were only 16 sales in this range. This is par for the course–as the Summer progresses, sales go down.  Of these 78 sales, the Long Real Estate Foothills office sold 30 of them. I have done my best to accurately compile the sales, but minor mistakes could have been made. All stats were taken from studying Tucson Multiple Listings, and do not reflect any sales that do not involve realtors. This compilation should prove to those listing homes, especially in the high-end, that they should either offer their homes at fair market prices, or take their homes off the market! I am amazed at how many high-end Foothills homes are over-priced, and  I am equally  surprised that agents continue to list them when they have little chance of selling and pull the rest of the market down.

less than 100K     3

100-200K            17

200-300K            15

300-400K            13

400-500K            14

500-600K            5

600-700K            0

700-800K            2

800-900K           5

900-1 mil             1

1 mil – 1.5 mil      3

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